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Zoom Quick Start Guide

Video conferencing software to support online learning and remote work.

Tips for Professional Zooming

Do's and Don't's when using Zoom at Mitchell College

  • Mute your microphone unless you are actively talking. Use the space bar to unmute momentarily; as soon as you let go you will be muted again.
  • Disable video if not absolutely needed (reduces bandwidth).
  • Assume you are always on camera and that you are always audible (even if you think you're muted or video-disabled). Avoid side-conversations if you are physically next to someone.
  • Be careful not to talk over others. Politely wait your turn, and if you are talking for more than a minute at a stretch, pause to let others ask questions or seek clarification.
  • Avoid extra sounds, such as tapping pencils, moving papers around, rattling ice, setting coffee cups down on table-tops, and tapping on keyboards.
  • Warn your family members not to wander through your video conference; some home-attire may not be safe for work! :)
  • Be succinct and short. If a question arises that can be worked "offline,” do that.

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