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Copyright and Fair Use Resource Center

Guiding copyright and fair use compliance at Mitchell College.

Responsible Use of Materials in the Classroom

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Materials may be used in the educational, non-profit setting if they fall into any one of the following categories.

Fair Use FAQs

What is Fair Use?

Fair Use is a component of U.S. Copyright Law that sets out parameters for allowing copyrighted material to be utilized, presented, or distributed.  The four factors of fair use must be weighed together; that is to say, no single factor will determine whether or not use of the material is allowed in the classroom.  Rather, all four factors must be considered and a holistic assessment applied. 

The four factors of fair use are (click for more detail):

  1. The purpose of the use
  2. The nature of the work used
  3. The amount used relative to the size of the entire work
  4. The effect of the use on the market for the original

Isn't all educational use considered "fair use"?

No.  There are many examples of materials that cannot be used in the classroom, even though the intention may seem "fair".  Each situation must be weighed individually against the four factors outlined above. 

What about online courses?

Just as with on-ground courses, evaluation of fair use can be applied to copyrighted materials utilized in an online course environment.  Special consideration must be given to the manner in which materials are distributed or restricted in the online environment.  Some publishers provide clear and concise boundaries for use in an online educational setting, while others are less clear and leave more room for interpretation.  In all cases, members of the College community should consider the four factors outlined above when determining whether or not copyrighted material may be used to support academic needs and goals.

So how do I make sure I'm following the law?

Consider utilizing one of the Library's many subscription-based resources and/or asking LIS staff to review your course materials with you.

Finding Permission

Teach Act