At the time that Jonathan Kozol's book Letters to a Young Teacher was published in 2007, he was coming to the end of a partial fast that he had commenced in protest of the controversial federal education law No Child Left Behind (NCLB), whose re-authoriztion was being considered by Congress. On October 4th, Kozol delivered an author talk at Powell's Books at Cedar Hills Crossing in Beaverton, Oregon; and the effects of his fasting were apparent. On September 11th, the Huffington Post published a statement by Kozol entitled, "Why I am Fasting: An Explanation to My Friends."
Supplementing the predominant themes of social equality and educational advocacy addressed through Jonathan Kozol's web site, the site's Archive offers supplemental resources that further illuminate and evidence the cause to which Kozol has devoted his life.
Jonathan Kozol is featured in Bill Moyers' 1992 documentary Unequal Education, in which the lives of two New York City middle school students, attending different schools, are examined, illustrating the inequalities inherent in the public education system. You may also open this video in a new window.