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CJ441 Senior Seminar in CJ

PowerPoint Tips

  • Bulleted Points
  • Select images to enhance presentation
  • Select one background
  • No more than 3 fonts (Titles, bulleted points, Citations) 
  • Avoid too much animation
  • Contrast background with font color
  • Balance slide
  • Check spelling and grammar


Enhance your PowerPoint Slides


Look for credible images with licenses that allow their use. Remember you will need to identify author/owner, publishing date and title of image. If you cannot find enough information to cite an image, locate a more credible image. 
                   Creative Commons (easy and convenient access to search services to the following independent organizations)


Always cite media that is incorporated into your slide presentation. 

Check out these PowerPoint Tools

Video Tools in PowerPoint 2013

If the insert online video does not work, try the developer tool method (see below).

Video Converter

If media file comes out grainy, try another similar video or change  video output on program to .avi or mp4.

Preparing Slides for Final Presentation

Step 1: Package for CD

Use this tool to ensure that your multimedia files will play and  that your fonts will be true. You will be able to run your powerpoint slides on any computer, even computers without Microsoft Office.

Step 2: Save packaged folder to flash drive.

Remember to keep a backup copy on cloud storage (Mitchell Skye drive, Google drive, Dropbox)

Step 3: Test the file on your flash drive.