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Student Staff Resources

A guide for student staff.

Shift Duties

When you are on a Desk Shift, you are the primary point of contact for all activities at the desk.  If you have questions or need assistance helping a patron, there is almost always a staff person on duty to assist you.  If not, please ask for the patron’s contact information and let them know a staff person will contact them on the next business day.

You are expected to do the following during each shift:

  • Check your Mitchell email for any work-related correspondence;
  • Mark headcount statistics every hour, using the headcount sheet at the desk & tidy up the reading rooms;
  • Remind patrons to wear masks in accordance with college policy & notify library staff of repeat offenders;
  • Be attentive and helpful to patrons at the desk;
  • Ensure all laptops in the laptop cart are plugged in;
  • Refrain from socializing with friends at the desk – it is important that all students, staff, and faculty feel comfortable approaching you for assistance.
  • Shelve 5 books;
  • Add paper to the printer and stock paper at both Library printers;
  • Walk through library and all book shelves to collect stray books, then place them on the quarantine cart;
  • Empty recycling bins;
  • Complete your Task List and place it on Stephanie’s desk;
  • Do not clock out until the staff person relieving you arrives.
  • Check with LIS staff to find out if they have special projects for you, such as:
    • Checking in and shelving periodicals
    • Picking up mail from the mailroom
    • Transit holds processing
    • Spine labeling
    • Barcoding
    • Shelf reading
    • Shelf shifting
    • Laminating, book covering
    • Clean all keyboards, mice, and monitors.

Timecard Procedures

Please follow these guidelines  in order to ensure you are paid correctly for the hours you have worked:

  • The pay week starts on Sunday. A new timecard needs to be utilized for each week.
  • Print your name at the top of the timecard in the space provided and sign your name at the bottom.
  • It is mandatory to clock in and clock out for each shift in order to record your hours worked. 
  • Students are to maintain their own timecards - at no time may one student clock in or out for another.
  • Do not write on the timecard (other than your name.) If there is an error, please make a separate note of the error and attach it to your timecard or email your supervisor.



Conditions of Student Employment

Conditions of Student Employment

General Obligations

  • All Federal Work-Study (FWS) student staff members are expected to thoroughly familiarize themselves with the information outlined in the Mitchell College FWS Handbook.
  • All non-FWS student staff members are employees of Mitchell College and are expected to follow the same code of conduct as is expected of all other Mitchell College employees.
  • All student staff are required to check their Mitchell email at least once during each work shift in order to stay up-to-date with current departmental communications.
  • Student staff are required to complete a designated task list during each shift.
  • Student staff members are subject to all Mitchell College Library policies.  Excessive and/or repeated violation of these policies may be grounds for dismissal.
  • Student staff are expected to maintain complete confidentiality of all patron data in the Library’s electronic system (Sierra), including but not limited to materials borrowed, monies owed, and contact information.  Student staff may not share this information with anyone except the patron to which it pertains, including college and government officials, without express permission from LIS staff.
  • Student staff may not use staff office areas or equipment when not on duty.
  • Student staff members are asked to give two weeks’ notice of resignation.

Workplace Conduct

  • All student staff members are expected to dress neatly and appropriately for a professional work environment.  Students should refrain from wearing torn or dirty clothing, exposed undergarments, hats, sweatpants, pajamas and clothing that exposes bare midriffs. Failure to report to work in appropriate clothing will result in dismissal from that shift, without pay.
  • Student staff are to wear masks fully covering nose & mouth while in the library. Failure to do so will result in dismissal from that shift, without pay. Multiple incidences will result in dismissal from the position.
  • Student staff is expected to use appropriate language at all times.
  • Student staff is expected to refrain from conducting cell phone conversations while at the service desk.  Leaving the service desk to use one’s cell phone is permitted for family or medical emergencies only, with staff approval.
  • Socializing with friends at the desk may deter patrons from approaching the desk for assistance and is therefore not permitted.  Excellent customer service is paramount. Engaging in academic or personal business, including use of earbuds, is permitted after the shift task list has been completed; however, these endeavors should never interfere with prompt and friendly attentiveness to patron needs.

Scheduling Obligations

  • Student staff coverage is essential to the full operation of Library and Information Services.  As such, student staff are responsible for their own scheduling obligations.  Students who are unable to meet their obligations are expected to arrange with other students staff in advance for substitute coverage.
  • Student staff must notify a supervisory staff member if a substitute will be working in his/her place.  If substitute coverage cannot be arranged, student staff must notify a supervisory staff member at least 24 hours before the beginning of the shift that cannot be covered.  In cases of a more immediate nature, a supervisory staff member must be notified as soon as possible of the extenuating circumstances. 
  • All student staff are required to report to work on time and use the time clock to record the beginnings and ends of shifts. No alterations may be made on time cards.  Repeated failure to clock in or out may result in loss of pay.

Compensation, Performance Evaluation and Disciplinary Action

  • All student staff work on an hourly basis and begin at minimum wage. 
  • Student staff who do not adhere to the employee obligations above will be subject to verbal and/or written warnings.  If performance concerns persist, the Student Staff Manager will work with the student staff to develop a performance improvement plan.  Repeated verbal and/or written warnings will result in termination of employment within the Library.
  • Failure to make honest and responsible efforts in securing substitute coverage and/or failure to provide notification of absence from work are serious offenses.  Repeated attendance infractions may result in immediate dismissal.


Job Evaluations

  • The status of new student hires is considered probationary for the first three months of employment.  After the probationary period, any issues perceived to be significant relative to a student’s job performance will be discussed, and if necessary, an extension to the probationary period will be assigned.  Problems persistent during the second probationary period will result in dismissal.
  • During the probationary period of employment, student staff will receive minimum wage compensation.  If it is determined that the student assistant has successfully demonstrated responsibility and proficiency, the student will continue employment at the library.
  • According to departmental policy, written performance evaluations will be conducted at the end of each academic year.  These evaluations may, upon written release by student staff members, be referred to when recommendation requests are received in response to applications listing the Mitchell College Library as a former employer.