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Faculty Guide to Textbooks & Digital Course Materials

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Textbook Adoption FAQs

The Essentials

What is textbook adoption?

Textbook adoption is the process of defining which textbook you are using for your classes within the online bookstore.  This allows students to search for their textbooks (whether required or optional) in the online bookstore by course number.  it also ensures that the bookstore has the appropriate inventory to support your students.

What are the official textbook adoption deadlines?

  • Fall and Summer Sessions: April 15th
  • Spring and Winter Sessions: October 15th

How do I adopt a textbook?

eFollett provides an online adoption tool.  You will need to create an account the first time you use it.  See "Adoption Step-by-Step" posted on this guide.

Can I adopt textbooks after the deadline?

Yes.  However, adopting on time ensures that there are enough copies of your textbook in stock when students start ordering.

Can I change the adopted text for a course?

Yes, particularly if you are switching to a lower cost text or OER.  Avoid changing to a higher-cost text.

Do I have to adopt textbooks every semester?

Yes, even if you are using the same materials you must adopt them again.  The online process allows you to reuse previously adopted texts.

I'm adjunct faculty - do I have to adopt my textbooks?

Yes, if you know you will be teaching a course in advance. Check with your division chair to confirm.  Chairs often adopt textbooks for courses ahead of time if the instructor has not been determined yet. For additional help, contact the Academic Affairs Office (ext 5028)

Can a course with no instructor assigned have a textbook adopted?

Yes, division chairs are responsible for ensuring textbook adoption by the deadline.  

I don't see my course (or name) in the online adoption tool. What do I do?

You can still submit your adoption request using the online form.  Next to each drop down menu in the online form you will see a button to "manually enter" course details or instructor name.

I'm not using a textbook for my course. Do I still have to adopt?

Yes.  When adopting, select "No materials are needed for this course."  Otherwise, Follett will indicate that materials have not been selected yet.

I'm only using Open Education Resources (free) with my course. Do I still have to adopt?

Yes. When adopting, select "Only FREE Open Educational Resources will be used for this Course/Section. Access information will be supplied by the instructor."

I'm using a textbook not available through Follett.  Do I still need to adopt?

Yes. If you cannot find a title by searching, choose "add manually". Provide as many details as possible and Follett will notify us if the materials cannot be sourced through the bookstore.

How to Adopt a Textbook

eTextbooks During Covid-19 Pandemic

Free eTextbook Access has expired for most publishers supporting online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Learn more about Textbook Affordability.