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HD209: Child Development


Welcome to your child development course guide. Collected here are resources to assist you with your course content and research for your projects.

Course Description & Syllabus

Child Development is a broad survey of the developing child from conception through age twelve. Major topics include: physical, cognitive, linguistic, personality, emotional and social development. The course lectures and readings are concerned with the major experimental, observational and theoretical contributions in the field.

As part of the college’s ability-based education (ABE) initiative, the Behavioral Sciences department has selected Critical and Creative Thinking (level 1) as the ability that will be assessed in HD209.

Child Development Theorists

Theorists presented include Sigmund Freud, Maria Montessori, Arnold Gesell, Lev Vygotsky, Jean Piaget, Rudolf Dreikurs, Erik Erikson, Abraham Maslow, John Bowlby, B. F. Skinner, Benjamin Spock, Lawrence Kohlberg, T. Berry Brazelton, Diana Baumrind, and Howard Gardner.